What did you do today? 2019 version.

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After giving up and going to the Minute Clinic yesterday about my cold that won't go away, I finally slept through the night thanks to a miracle drug that prevented my 4am hacking spells. Turns out I actually have bronchitis - can't remember having it since I was in junior high. Fortunately I don't feel too bad, and much better now that I got a full night's sleep for the first time in more than a week.

Took the dog to the farmers market and stocked up, then cleaned and topped off the fish pond. Finished paperwork for a church meeting tomorrow and made BLTs from the market bounty (a sourdough baker is one of the vendors). Getting ready to go to the wedding of two church members, both widowed, who fell madly in love earlier this year even though they'd known each other for at least 15 years. Very sweet.
Weight workout, walk around the neighborhood where I encountered a huge snapping turtle, donated my easel to the local historical society, and trapped the ground hog that had taken up residence under my deck - using a T-bone steak bone for bait in a havahart trap. Tomorrow I take him for a ride.
Spent the day with DD, continuing to work on updating house and get ready for baby. (nothing like buying a fixer upper and getting pregnant at the same time)
Smoked halibut for dinner--was delicious!
We went to an Apollo 11 film screening as a part of the Napa Valley Festival and 50th anniversary of the lunar landing and took the dog to a park with a lake. Last night we went to an outdoor concert in the park with friends.
Mr. Blueskyk and I went to the lake with paddle boards before dawn, headed to the middle where we sat and watched the sun come up. We were the only ones out except for ducks and geese. We talked about how much we enjoyed (and appreciated) being retired and how all the saving and budgeting was worth it....
The neighbors on my street meet today to discuss path forward for opposing the proposed rezoning across the street. After ten days of canvassing the neighborhood with flyers, meetings, and studying a thousand pages of city planning documents, we were able to present our rebuttal at a special meeting of the Neighborhood Association Board with about 40 neighbors in attendance supporting us. The Board voted to support us but now we have to get a copy of the developer's application and refine our rebuttal to present to the City.

This week has been like my old job - meetings, reading regs and lengthy documents, and preparing comments and reports. I want my retirement back! We will probably hire a real estate attorney to help.
The Salvation Army picked up my donation (sofa and love seat) yesterday. With more room in the den, I was able to move my brand new (first ever!) recliner up onto my large fake Persian rug. That solved the problems I was having with it sliding around on the hardwood floor. It was sliding more than a foot a day! But now it seems stable and is staying where I put it.

I also moved my floor lamp, my swivel laptop table, my small TV with GameCube, and 4-5 other small tables with various electronics toys on them, so that everything is within reach of the recliner. Basically I'm setting up my "nest area" for recovery from next month's knee surgery. Moving all these things was very hard on my knee! As you might imagine, it hurts like wildfire. So I plan to do absolutely zero today except elevate and ice my knee, while resting, napping, and doing laundry. BTW I have found that my new recliner is a wonderful place to nap..... :D
We have not seen our kids for 2 weeks, maybe 3. My wife suggested to invite them over for some Philly sandwiches or hamburger. Only my son can make it.

Only 11AM here. Surfin' the Web a bit before going to the grill out back. Having a beer now, which I do not drink often. Life is so darn good, I don't know how it could be better. OK, things could always be better, but I suspect not by a whole lot.

PS. After dumping more phosphate remover into the pool, I am waiting to see if algae will return. Also pumped out about 1/5 of the pool to refill it with fresh water to dilute out all that hardness in the water. Pools are such water wasters. Tried to do some good by emptying it to the graveled back yard instead of the sewer. That waters the trees, as well as replenish the underground water.
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Actually this was yesterday, but we just returned home. Mother in law had her 90th birthday celebration. It was hosted by a nephew (her grandson). Nearly 100 people attended with a buffet lunch spread and lots of memories to share.

She was the youngest of 13 growing up and a stay at home mom after she got married. They raised 7 kids on a laborer's wages. She has been widowed for a few years now but she lives in her own house and takes care of most things herself. She's still one of the best cooks we know! We help with mowing the lawn, house maintenance, and occasional other support. My dear wife's siblings & their kids all contribute in other ways.

The one thing she doesn't do on her own is drive. Never got a driver's license, never wanted to!

Actually this was yesterday, but we just returned home. Mother in law had her 90th birthday celebration. It was hosted by a nephew (her grandson). Nearly 100 people attended with a buffet lunch spread and lots of memories to share.

That's a nice family get-together! Wonderful.
The neighbors on my street meet today to discuss path forward for opposing the proposed rezoning across the street. After ten days of canvassing the neighborhood with flyers, meetings, and studying a thousand pages of city planning documents, we were able to present our rebuttal at a special meeting of the Neighborhood Association Board with about 40 neighbors in attendance supporting us. The Board voted to support us but now we have to get a copy of the developer's application and refine our rebuttal to present to the City.

This week has been like my old job - meetings, reading regs and lengthy documents, and preparing comments and reports. I want my retirement back! We will probably hire a real estate attorney to help.

Probably a good idea since you KNOW the developers will have them. Plus, if you look at all the previous rezoning applications, you will see that law firm used over, and over, and over and over. It's a game that is difficult to win without good lawyers and a LOT of outspoken folks.

I used to get quite involved in this when I lived in ATL, but after a while it got very tiresome, especially since the community wouldn't get irritate about it until AFTER the application was approved! :mad:

I solved that by moving to a more rural area that is zoned agricultural and am in the process of buying 5 acres behind us as a buffer.
PS. After dumping more phosphate remover into the pool, I am waiting to see if algae will return. Also pumped out about 1/5 of the pool to refill it with fresh water to dilute out all that hardness in the water. Pools are such water wasters. Tried to do some good by emptying it to the graveled back yard instead of the sewer. That waters the trees, as well as replenish the underground water.

Not sure if you are familiar with the folks at Trouble Free Pool, but they are pretty awesome. It has made my adventure of pool ownership quite refreshing.
Actually this was yesterday, but we just returned home. Mother in law had her 90th birthday celebration. It was hosted by a nephew (her grandson). Nearly 100 people attended with a buffet lunch spread and lots of memories to share.

She was the youngest of 13 growing up and a stay at home mom after she got married. They raised 7 kids on a laborer's wages. She has been widowed for a few years now but she lives in her own house and takes care of most things herself. She's still one of the best cooks we know! We help with mowing the lawn, house maintenance, and occasional other support. My dear wife's siblings & their kids all contribute in other ways.

The one thing she doesn't do on her own is drive. Never got a driver's license, never wanted to!


What a wonderful post! Thanks for sharing this. I want to be like your mother-in-law when I grow up: 90 and still doing for myself! :)
Today...Sunday, I walked at the local lake/pond with by BF, walked in our hood with DH. Then Pizza Ranch with my Mom and brother and SIL. All five of my siblings were in town this weekend, so we did get to see each other quite a bit. Now just relaxing at home with DH, he is watching the Nascar race.
Turned the AC on for the first time this year, should have done it hours ago. It's almost 90 outside.

DW'S brother and SIL are driving in this afternoon from visiting their eldest son in Denver, she's been a nervous wreck all week. Oh well it's going to be better than last time, we threw a pot bellied pig on their laps and took off for several hours in a too small vehicle. If only I could borrow one for a couple hours. [emoji111]
Turned the AC on for the first time this year, should have done it hours ago. It's almost 90 outside.

I'm headed up your way (Chama) in a week and definitely chose a hotel with AC even though many of the hotel descriptions insisted that it was not necessary.
Dropped off our trapped groundhog 15 miles west of our house. Should be far enough so that he never returns. Then went hiking at Starved Rock Sate Park. Supposed to be a nice day. Got hit by a quick 4.9" rain. Luckily we were close to a cave like overhang behind a waterfall where we were sheltered from the storm. I don't think that DW enjoyed herself though.


  • eddie riding out the storm.jpg
    eddie riding out the storm.jpg
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Had two teeth removed due to abscess. The holes got the bone graft treatment.

It was quite cool down in Colorado Springs today. It got down into the high forties along with some rain on the way home this afternoon. Quite a pleasant day other than the pain as the deadener wore off. A couple of regular Tylonal once were home did the trick. I will get new teeth in a few months.
Put the final coat of wipe on poly varnish on my 1.5" thick 25"x 50" butcher block maple slab that will be my new home office desk top.
I am visiting my daughter and grandsons in New York .We went to a great science museum. I love spending time with them.Makes me feel younger!
Dropped off our trapped groundhog 15 miles west of our house. Should be far enough so that he never returns. Then went hiking at Starved Rock Sate Park. Supposed to be a nice day. Got hit by a quick 4.9" rain. Luckily we were close to a cave like overhang behind a waterfall where we were sheltered from the storm. I don't think that DW enjoyed herself though.

Beautiful photo!
Had two teeth removed due to abscess. The holes got the bone graft treatment.

It was quite cool down in Colorado Springs today. It got down into the high forties along with some rain on the way home this afternoon. Quite a pleasant day other than the pain as the deadener wore off. A couple of regular Tylonal once were home did the trick. I will get new teeth in a few months.
Good choice. Implants are expensive, but mine have been strong and functional, as well as very comfortable. Best teeth I ever had.
Had company since Saturday, DW's DB and SIL stayed a few days with us between Denver and Moab destinations. They took off this morning and I am beat.

We hadn't seen them for 6 years, I guess it was our first visit since I retired. They're finally thinking about retirement but he has a dental practice to sell first.

We did too much yesterday; hot springs in the morning, lunch at a local brewery, hike between lunch and a thunderstorm and out to dinner at a very nice restaurant.
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