What is your pet peeve of the day? -- 2021

I separated my card from the upper, carried the lower part after I had it laminated. Stuck it in my fireproof box after I got married, I would see it and the original upper swimming in all the papers over the years. Went for PA Real ID a few years back, took the upper card. PA DOT wouldn't accept the upper, only the lower card that had the Roman Columns on either side. Took me another hour to find that card in the fireproof box.
As a teenager, I took a razor blade to my driver's license to carefully cut out and the number 9 in my bday, swap it around and put it back in place as a 6. Voila I was old enough to buy beer (ok wine coolers, it was the 80's). Also knew to do it in the DL number itself, as the year is part of the number. The trick was to be super careful, and get the altered result laminated. (and then of course, declare it lost and get a replacement for official usage).

With skills like that, you could have been a surgeon. :LOL:
Years ago, my Social Security card vanished. Actually, I haven't seen it in 50+ years. ...

This reminded me, that after my Mom passed, we were cleaning out the house and I grabbed a box she saved that had old family stuff in it. One of the things was my grandfather's SS card, and I'm thinking , wow, this is old, it's an original, (IIRC a reissue was marked?). Then I notice the date, and I'm thinking back to elementary school and the "New Deal", and the beginnings of Social Security, and I realize this isn't just original to Grandpa, this is an original SS card. It was issued just months after the SS program started. I read up on some of the history about getting cards into the hands of every citizen. Felt like I was holding some real history in my hand.

Ahhh, here are the notes I shared with my siblings and cousins:

Issued 12-28-36 (I was wondering if there was any significance to that date, but of course, that's about when Soc Sec started!) This link says the card design was agreed to in June 1936, and the Post Office started issuing cards around November 1936.

But not detached from the paper...that's extra silly.

And my Grandpa's SS was still attached to the flap (with his and employer's address on it)!

As a teenager, I took a razor blade to my driver's license to carefully cut out and the number 9 in my bday, swap it around and put it back in place as a 6. ...

In IL, the car titles have the VIN in both standard Black on White text, but also White on Black text. Seems that would make forging a little harder (but probably not with modern technology).

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With DW turning 65 later in the year, I am amazed at the barrage of "sign up for our medicare advantage plan!" calls we have been getting since 3/1. 8-10 per day.

It is not a "pet peeve" as we have call blockers, and all the calls are either 8XX code or just a city name which are easy to block. But out of curiosity/evilness I sampled answering a few, which is how I found out what they were for. My view is that some are marketing polices, and some are scams to get personal info.
I've got a few pet peeves today... :)

1. I've never been a big "buy American" type of person. I just wanted something of decent quality at a fair price. Unfortunately, when I'm shopping for something now the market is flooded with cheap Chinese junk. I was shopping on Amazon for a throw blanket for my daughter. There must have been thirty variations that looked exactly the same but with a different Chinese company name. I finally gave in and ordered one, only to confirm it was made of extremely thin material, poorly sewn, and virtually no stuffing. Pitiful. I shopped for some slippers recently, same situation, hundreds of identical junk products from different companies. I would gladly pay twice the price for many items if they were of better quality. But I can't even find quality items anymore.

2. I'm so tired of peoples cell phone addiction. My wife checks her phone before she even says hi to me when she gets home. She checks her Facebook account while we are watching a movie together. Daughter comes to visit and they each sit there with their phones playing videos extremely loud. I sit there bored thinking "this" is quality time together?

3. People have just gotten mean, impatient, and selfish. I can't leave the house without encountering some type of road rage. I've been run off the road, cursed at, flipped off, passed in dangerous locations just to be one car ahead, and more. We stopped for a treat before shopping the other day and watched 8 out of 10 cars blow through a stop sign without even slowing down. People drive way too fast through parking lots, I've nearly been hit twice because drivers won't stop for pedestrians. We were grocery shopping last week when two ladies suddenly started screaming at each other behind us on the chip aisle. Apparently one or the other "cut someone off". I have no idea who was at "fault", but the middle aged white woman screaming at the elderly black woman seemed racially charged to me. It was completely unnecessary in a grocery store, and the older woman deserved respect whether she was at fault or not. I mean really, will it kill you to wait 2 minutes for your Cheetos?
Can't help with the road rage or the cell phones, but for the throw blanket, look at Faribault Woolen Mill Co. - high quality stuff made in Minnesota. I have bought multiple blankets from them and have been happy with every one. For sheepskin slippers, you'll want Sundance Leather Company for high quality made in Colorado. We have also purchased from and been happy with them.
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1. I've never been a big "buy American" type of person. I just wanted something of decent quality at a fair price. Unfortunately, when I'm shopping for something now the market is flooded with cheap Chinese junk. I was shopping on Amazon for a throw blanket for my daughter. There must have been thirty variations that looked exactly the same but with a different Chinese company name.

Ibena is my first stop for quality throw blankets. They ship from an American branch of the company, but are made in Germany. They are thick and warm and big, and super nice quality, and a wide selection. Most start about $125, but they do run some sales.
With DW turning 65 later in the year, I am amazed at the barrage of "sign up for our medicare advantage plan!" calls we have been getting ...

DW turned 65 a couple of years ago, so I can certainly identify. At the height of the pandemic a strange man rang the doorbell and wanted to come in to explain MC.

I'm the youngster so in a few years I expect we'll go through it all again.
Going to a doctor’s appointment where the PA asks for all the details for why you’re there and types it all into the laptop. Then the doctor comes in and asks why you’re there and you have to start all over again. I fall for that every time.
Going to a doctor’s appointment where the PA asks for all the details for why you’re there and types it all into the laptop. Then the doctor comes in and asks why you’re there and you have to start all over again. I fall for that every time.

New Zealand?

My wife and I have actually tossed around the idea of living in New Zealand. We were there for a week in March 2019 and liked it a lot. Cost of living seemed pretty high. People were friendly and the parts of the country we saw were beautiful.

We were in Christchurch on March 15 when New Zealand had their first mass shooting ever, about a mile from our AirBnB apartment and in the city center where we had spent most of the previous day.

I could see us moving there in the future, at least for a few years. We'd probably have to stay here as long as our parents are still alive, though. They are aging and their health is declining. Too bad.
Looks like I screwed up and separated the card from the larger card by tearing it on the perforations. UGH!:facepalm:

My SS card disappeared years ago. Thank heaven I never needed it for a DL. I suppose I provided it at some time and either they believed me or I provided some document such as a 1099 that had it.

1. I've never been a big "buy American" type of person. I just wanted something of decent quality at a fair price. Unfortunately, when I'm shopping for something now the market is flooded with cheap Chinese junk. I was shopping on Amazon for a throw blanket for my daughter. There must have been thirty variations that looked exactly the same but with a different Chinese company name. I finally gave in and ordered one, only to confirm it was made of extremely thin material, poorly sewn, and virtually no stuffing.

This is why I buy things like this in stores so I can read labels and check the quality, or buy from trusted vendors/manufacturers (Birkenstock, VT Country Store, etc.) that tell you where things were made- not just "Imported". You can also do a search on (Item) made in USA or Made in Germany, Italy, etc.- just make sure the search results don't conveniently show you results excluding the "Made in USA" criterion. I still do a "deep dive" on the site and the item to make sure it's what I was looking for, but I've gotten good results that way.
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Underwear Branding?

Why do most men's underwear have brand names all over the waist bands? Some are printed all the way around, some have tags printed or sewn to the band. I even had some with metal tags sewn to the underwear.

I already know what brand I bought (and don't care). No one will ever see it except me and my wife anyway. I don't like branded clothing of any type, but it really makes no sense on underwear. Do they think it will promote business at a swinger party or on national no pants day?

It's May 6th this year in case you're wondering. :)
This is why I buy things like this in stores

Our local Sears and JC Penny are now gone. The local mall mostly just carries stuff for the 20 something generation. It's not much fun shopping there with the cell phone zombies. All the other clothing stores in my area only carry Chinese or Korean stuff anyway.

Any of the small "boutique" stores have "you've got to be kidding" price tags. :)
Why do most men's underwear have brand names all over the waist bands? Some are printed all the way around, some have tags printed or sewn to the band. I even had some with metal tags sewn to the underwear........
You must now wear your pants saggy like the cool guys.


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Any of the small "boutique" stores have "you've got to be kidding" price tags. :)

Thank you! Yes, I see used blouses and shirts at those boutique stores on 'discount' for $19.99 and I know I could buy the same shirt for $1 at a flea market, lol.
Well it looks like MLB has reviewed this thread and my continuous comments over the years about hating the shift in baseball. They have finally agreed and not going to allow the shift this year.

Of course now my new pet peeve is not giving people freedom to choose how they want to play the game. I hate rules.
Well it looks like MLB has reviewed this thread and my continuous comments over the years about hating the shift in baseball. They have finally agreed and not going to allow the shift this year.

Of course now my new pet peeve is not giving people freedom to choose how they want to play the game. I hate rules.

what's the shift?
Going to a doctor’s appointment where the PA asks for all the details for why you’re there and types it all into the laptop. Then the doctor comes in and asks why you’re there and you have to start all over again. I fall for that every time.

I still occasionally get the clipboard and golf pencil.
Still the street walkers. Walk on the sidewalk as it was intended. I don't drive my vehicle on the sidewalk, you shouldn't walk on the street. And don't tell me how much softer asphault is compared to concrete.

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