What is your pet peeve of the day? -- 2021

One of the guys at work had a big red button on the wall over his desk: "The more people I meet the more I like my dog."

I'm sure many people can relate.

I view a roundabout as an opportunity to let the person behind me get in front of me! Just go around another time. :D

My goodness! In the time since I wrote that (<1 hour ago), I ran into bad driver when I went to pick up my DW from a nearby appointment. As we were approaching the 4-way stop near my house, a car on the cross street from me arrived at the stop after me, and didn't even slow down, blowing through the stop sign.

Due to fortunate timing, I was in no danger of pulling out in front of her, but pretty disconcerting nonetheless. By the time I leaned on my horn, she was already most of the way through the intersection. She hit her brakes at that time, so my best guess is that she was driving distracted, as opposed to intending to blow the stop. Who knows?
Dental hygienists who call out numbers when they use that nasty prob to evaluate your gums. What’s the point in doing this? I don’t need the guilt. A summary at the end would be sufficient.
I live just off a major 5 lane road, I'm not quite sure why but people seem to realize the are going the wrong direction and turn on my street and use my driveway to turn around. I have joked for years that I'm going to put up container with a slot and a sign that says $1 TURN AROUND FEE.

Brilliant!! We live in a MHP on a little cul de sac, and people are always driving in to turn around.
Dental hygienists who call out numbers when they use that nasty prob to evaluate your gums. What’s the point in doing this? I don’t need the guilt. A summary at the end would be sufficient.
The only time I've had this happen, someone else was taking notes. That way they had a baseline to compare to see if my gums were changing for better or worse.
Dental hygienists who call out numbers when they use that nasty prob to evaluate your gums. What’s the point in doing this? I don’t need the guilt. A summary at the end would be sufficient.

:) I'm pretty sure they are measuring for receding gums at various points. They usually say it out loud as another person writes down the numbers, or they might be recording it to enter later.

I hate going to the dentist but that part of the cleaning never really bothers me. The ear screeching ultrasonic cleaning is the worst. Unless you need work done, of course.
The attitude continues...

I had a simple doctor appointment today. The nurse/assistant was kind of snarky, poor bedside manner. No biggy, I know they're overworked these days, so I just tried to be nice anyway. Thankfully my doctor was pleasant as always.

Went down to the pharmacy to fill a prescription. Some lady was getting all upset because she had to take a number to pay for an over the counter medication. Another guy was yelling at the pharmacist because they wouldn't refill a prescription that had expired.

Some days I just want to duck my head and say I don't know these people... :)
Lately it seems like the number of angry, impatient, and self-centered people is getting worse.

Saturday my wife and I went for a nice hike at the local park, then went out for dinner afterward. On the way home I was waiting at a stop sign when a pickup truck pulls up behind me and honks his horn. Whatever. I waited till traffic cleared then pulled out on the main road, with Mr. Pickup following closely. It's a 20mph school zone in a residential area. He's following close and after a few blocks starts weaving back and forth trying to make a point. I'm probably doing 5-10 over the limit already. I come up to the round about, slow down to look for oncoming cars, then proceed slowly through the round about. He starts laying on his horn constantly for like 30-45 seconds. The lane leaving the round about goes through a public park, with limited visibility at some of the crossings. It's a sunny day, people walking everywhere, so I slow down to make sure no one is crossing at the crosswalk. Mr Truck gets pissed, passes me in the bike lane on the right, nearly takes out the front corner of my car, stops in front of me and flips me off. Whatever, I'm not sure what ticked him off, but it sure ruined a nice day with the wife. He's lucky he didn't kill someone walking on the side of the road. Of course, then he proceeds at the same speed I was going anyway through the rest of the neighborhood. So stupid and pointless.

Next day, Sunday, the wife and I went grocery shopping. Busy day at the store, waiting in a line of cars to pull out of the lot onto the main road. Suddenly some lady decides I'm going too slow (like where am I going to go?), and passes me in the parking lot. Again, she nearly takes out the front of my car, nearly hits another car backing out, and ends up stopped right in front of me anyway. We sat behind her at the next two stop lights, and ended up going past her when we turned off. So impatient and dangerous and she didn't gain anything by behaving that way.

[mod edit]

It seems everyone only thinks about themselves. Me, Me, Me. Get out of my way. My time is more important than yours. If you don't like it I'll yell at you or worse. What happened to being nice? Patience is a virtue. Love your fellow man. Help those in need. Just being courteous.

Sheesh. I'm losing hope for humanity...
I keep meaning to buy these on EBAY.



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Not my problem mentality is my pet peeve of the day. Along with lack of follow-through on important matters that impact people's well being.

DW 401k administrator never received "the file". Employer initially took the not my problem approach when notified contributions never went in.

After DW took it upon herself to do employers job by calling administrator to understand the file never was sent, returned fire at employer where they promptly took care of the matter.

Imagine the entire company waiting, and waiting, and waiting while markets move upwards not realizing their contributions never posted, missing 3 to 5% market gains in the process.

Basically everyone at MegaCorp ignored this, and the matter wasn't resolved until I pushed DW stating the contribution has NEVER been this late. Mega stated we should "wait another week" until DW identified the issue herself, doing someone else's job.

Despicable. Not even the CEO logged in to check if their contributions were there. The way I figured, it was at min a $64,000 mistake using the median salary of $75k, with 3% loss and 10% contribution (5% min to make company match plus 5% co match). Had we "waited" like some do nothing simpleton suggested, who knows how much the total loss could be, 2x, 3x.

Good grief, where is the follow-through and accountability these days?
Back in my flying days, part the recurrent checkride would include a "pubs check" (making sure flight manuals were up to date). I recall someone getting dinged because they removed all of those pages from their manuals. Ah, how I miss that buffoonery. :cool:

I currently work flight manuals for Naval Aviation. They are more concerned with format than content. Weird. Oh well. Play the game.
Today's pet peeve is when the media latches onto a word and they use that word incessantly. We are in a winter storm and for days, we have heard how "impactful" it will be. If I had a nickel for every time I heard "impactful", I would have about 4 million dollars in nickels.
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Today's pet peeve is when the media latches onto a word and they use that word incessantly. We are in a winter storm and for days, we have heard how "impactful" it will be. If I had a nickel for every time I heard "impactful", I would have about 4 million dollars in nickels.

Just as irritating is the fact that during the first week in February we are getting a snow/ice storm after getting a winter storm last week. Who'd thunk it would be cold during the winter!
Just as irritating is the fact that during the first week in February we are getting a snow/ice storm after getting a winter storm last week. Who'd thunk it would be cold during the winter!

On the positive side, when you see stuff like that it means it's a slow news day and nobody invaded somebody else's country, there are no major earthquakes or tsunamis to report on, no coal mine cave-ins, no airliners crashed, and the like. So inane as it may be, it's good news.
Just as irritating is the fact that during the first week in February we are getting a snow/ice storm after getting a winter storm last week. Who'd thunk it would be cold during the winter!

Yes, and how some media types LOVE telling us how many MILLIONS of people are going to be affected!
^ And it creates a major rush to the grocery store to by bread, milk, and toilet paper, as folks will be snowed in to the roof of their homes.
<mod note> let’s please stick to the thread topic, which is pet peeves. Minor irritants, not criminal activity. Some posts were removed.
A road 'repair' that results in a bone-shaking pothole instead of a smooth patch. You're coming up on a road patch, amongst spotty shade from the trees, and you can't clearly see the patch. You don't want to slow down and hold up traffic, you can't safely veer around it, so you proceed at full speed. BAM! 4 inch deep trench left partially filled by the road crew, for some reason. You curse loudly inside your closed windows, and hope you haven't destroyed the ball joints, shocks, struts, etc. What is the reason they can't fill in the hole/trench/pit completely?
What is the reason they can't fill in the hole/trench/pit completely?

They probably did, but because of the winter temperatures they have to use a different mix called (wait for it...) a "cold patch". It's better than plain gravel, but just barely.

At least that was how it was explained to me by one of the guys working on a road patching crew once when I was working. It was a while ago so things may have changed since then.
People who don't dim their headlights until they're about 20 yards away.
As far as I know, you're supposed to dim your lights when you get within 500 feet (160 yds) of the vehicle you're meeting.

I'm blind now, but thanks for eventually dimming your lights.
People who don't dim their headlights until they're about 20 yards away.
As far as I know, you're supposed to dim your lights when you get within 500 feet (160 yds) of the vehicle you're meeting.

I'm blind now, but thanks for eventually dimming your lights.

Where I live, you're lucky if people dim their lights at all. Also many Bro-Dozers who love to run their off-road light bars on the road, not to mention the "Custom Offsets" wheels that stick out 5+ inches and kick up all kinds of debris causing so many cracked windshields. I'd mention that all of these are not legal but I don't want to stray too far off topic. :cool:
I'd mention that all of these are not legal but I don't want to stray too far off topic. :cool:

Haven't you heard, law-enforcement can't stop you for petty offenses like that anymore. It's no wonder many drivers think they can get away with anything.

Blatantly illegal window tint is another.

As Tony Soprano would say..........................................................................
what a ya gonna do ?
Where I live, you're lucky if people dim their lights at all. Also many Bro-Dozers who love to run their off-road light bars on the road, not to mention the "Custom Offsets" wheels that stick out 5+ inches and kick up all kinds of debris causing so many cracked windshields. I'd mention that all of these are not legal but I don't want to stray too far off topic. :cool:

lol, love that word Bro Dozers!
Here we also have all the light customizations on wheels, roofs, etc. that looks like a christmas show coming at you.
So obvious at night, yet nothing happens. A few weeks ago, we had one truck lit up like a Christmas tree come toward us in the other lane, a police car behind us, ....nothing happened.
People who don't dim their headlights until they're about 20 yards away.
As far as I know, you're supposed to dim your lights when you get within 500 feet (160 yds) of the vehicle you're meeting.

I'm blind now, but thanks for eventually dimming your lights.

I don't think this will get any better. We were riding around with my MIL a few weeks ago and her truck has the auto dimming feature that I think was terrible...waiting far too long to dim the lights.

On that rant... some of these back wood yahoos who think that they need a "rack-o-lights" illumination of the entirety of the world while they drive down a brightly lit interstate. Usually the same tool bags that "roll coal" at traffic lights while they blast off...never mind the best 0-60 time they can get is about 2 minutes. :mad:
We were riding around with my MIL a few weeks ago and her truck has the auto dimming feature that I think was terrible...waiting far too long to dim the lights (

I wasn't even aware of that feature. That probably explains why it's become a much bigger issue over the last year or 2. Isn't technology great :mad:

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