Where Do You Get Your Fiber?

This thread is about where do you get your fiber, not whether you should eat fiber or not. It's not a keto diet thread, so low us low carb/keto folks should be mindful of not hijacking the thread.

I eat low carb, not keto. My fiber sources:
a variety of vegetables, avocados.
One slice of Schmidt 647 bread every 1-2 days ( 40 cal, 13 carbs, but 7 gm of that is fiber)
Psyllium husk powder in low carb rolls that I make regularly. each roll has 8 gm of carbs, of which 4 gm is fiber
Almonds and macadamia nuts
This thread is about where do you get your fiber, not whether you should eat fiber or not. It's not a keto diet thread, so low us low carb/keto folks should be mindful of not hijacking the thread.

Thank you.
My main sources of fiber are in no particular order:

Home made granola which includes nuts, seeds, wheat flakes, and oatmeal
Home made bread with 1/3 whole wheat (limited amounts to keep carbs lower)
My main sources of fiber are in no particular order:

Home made granola which includes nuts, seeds, wheat flakes, and oatmeal
Home made bread with 1/3 whole wheat (limited amounts to keep carbs lower)

What is Ziply?
I get it from a variety of places: oranges (Who wants to eat 3 oranges a day? This guy!), blueberries, strawberries, pineapples, peanuts, apples, bananas, pears, bread (Nature's own 100% whole wheat), potatoes, broccoli, brussel sprouts, popcorn... I focus more on a balanced diet to consume a variety of fiber sources. I probably eat form at least 1/3 of the above mentioned sources each day.

I am allergic to peas and beans (except for green beans) so cannot use them as a source of fiber. I am also lactose intolerance and rarely eat cereal. But those sources seem to work for me.
I buy fiber that you put in water (or food) that is tasteless... in water after it is absorbed it is just like a glass of water...

This is NOT that lumpy orange flavor crap that you can buy.
I am also lactose intolerance and rarely eat cereal.

It’s definitely not the same, but I’ve come to tolerate the nut milks. Cashew milk seems to be the creamiest but I’ll usually buy almond milk. I’ve never tried the oat milk. If you like cereal - I do - you might want to try those non dairy milks.
It’s definitely not the same, but I’ve come to tolerate the nut milks. Cashew milk seems to be the creamiest but I’ll usually buy almond milk. I’ve never tried the oat milk. If you like cereal - I do - you might want to try those non dairy milks.

Thanks. Unfortunately the only nuts I like are peanuts... the smell of cashew or almond milk is enough to bother me.
I have no idea how you would milk an almond, but I'll point out that coconuts are extremely high in fiber, at least until you get down to the white meat.


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I suspect the fiber recommendations, like many official nutrition guidelines today, are based on flimsy science.

I certainly don’t eat grain or cereal or bread to get fiber!

I eat plenty of green leafy vegetables and some fruits including tomatoes, peppers and avocados. Oh yeah and nuts. So I do feed my gut biome some, but I don’t otherwise worry about it.

I think John Harvey Kellogg was just trying to get people to poop 4+ times a day when he invented cornflakes. Something about reducing those “hot blooded animal instincts”.
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... ...I am also lactose intolerance and rarely eat cereal. But those sources seem to work for me.

I eat my occasional cereal w/o milk! I tried the 'other' milks and cannot tolerate the taste. Instead of the original Fiber 1, I eat the Honey Cluster Fiber 1. It has almost the amount of fiber as the Original, but is sweeter.
One of the main causes of colon cancer is eating a low fiber diet. Have you had a colonoscopy? When you do ask the doctor whether you need fiber and see the doctor says. Personally I need a lot of fiber. If I miss a few days eating fiber my gut is not happy.
From what I have read these observational studies regarding colon cancer don’t add up. Lots of confounding factors. Regardless it’s what we have always been told….
I suspect the fiber recommendations, like many official nutrition guidelines today, are based on flimsy science.

I certainly don’t eat grain or cereal or bread to get fiber!

I eat plenty of green leafy vegetables and some fruits including tomatoes, peppers and avocados. Oh yeah and nuts. So I do feed my gut biome some, but I don’t otherwise worry about it.

I think John Harvey Kellogg was just trying to get people to poop 4+ times a day when he invented cornflakes. Something about reducing those “hot blooded animal instincts”.

Loved the part in the movie when his character is asked about his bowel movements, and the reply is:

"they're GIGANTIC!

And no more smell than a hot biscuit!"

IIRC, he was concerned about dudes "massaging their colons" (another in-movie reference) & hoped his bland cereals would help put an end to that.
i eat a big salad with dinner most nights and raw carrots and humus most days. And usually a couple of veggies with dinner. And an apple or peach or whatever is around. My go to cereals are Mini-Wheats and Raisin Bran.
I follow a low-fat diet full of fiber-rich foods. Still, there is an inconsistency across different days and what my body needs. To help with this, I take Psyllium Husk capsules in the morning and in the evening, and this works for me.
Belly button and dryer lint. No I don't eat them. Some carrots celery etc. I do eat.
Fruits and veggies, nuts, chia seeds in yogurt or smoothies, whole grain breads, beans/peas/lentils.
Lots of ways to get fiber in your diet, along with plenty of water and liquids.
As long as you are not constipated, you are most likely doing OK;)
Fiber one cereal daily sent my cholesterol sky high.
Fruits and vegetables, oat cereals that provides fiber but not to the extreme, and the Walmart Equate version of benefiber two times per day. All natural and tasteless. Works well for me.
I've been on a vegan diet for 10 years. I went vegetarian in 1976 then switched to pescatarian in 1983. I tend to grow polyps in my colon, so I am on the three-year colonoscopy plan.

They always hand me the list of things to improve my colon health. When I hand it back and tell the doctor I haven't eaten red meat since 1976 and I eat mostly fruit and vegetables they back down and say they really don't know how diet comes into play with colon polyps.

My spouse is a big meat eater and loves red meat. She has never had a colon polyp. :confused:
Ah, Helen, you've gotten to the crux of my problem. I'm on the 3-year plan, too (after 1st colonoscopy) but haven't eaten meat since 1986, when I was 15. I have increased fiber a lot over the years, though, as I became a better cook. The Instant Pot is a godsend for cooking legumes.
I love my IP for legumes and beans!
Fiber one cereal daily sent my cholesterol sky high.

Oh-oh. I'm on the 5 day a week breakfast of Fiber One cereal. Actually I mix Fiber One Honey 1:1 with Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I strongly suggest that no one else try this combo as it's extremely addictive.

I'll be having my yearly physical next month and will be interested in seeing what my cholesterol numbers are at.

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