I've got Covid.... The thread for your covid experiences

CDC also says this:

A high-quality mask should be worn around others at home and in public through day 10. A test-based strategy may be used to remove a mask sooner.

I had Covid just before Thanksgiving and tested positive for 8 days, which was 10 days from the onset of symptoms. YMMV of course.
So I went to a wedding on Saturday and started feeling unwell the following Tuesday. I just took the covid test and am positive.

I googled how long to quarentine and it says 5 days, but is that 5 days from Saturday, Tuesday, or Today (Thursday)? I'm trying to figure out if I would be putting my elderly relatives at risk for Christmas eve/Christmas Day.

Be careful . . . you wouldn't want to put your elderly relatives at risk. Do you really trust that during the three years since 2000 there has been extensive, exhaustive testing done to determine these exact dates? I dunno. With all the uncertainty about Covid that we have seen thus far, perhaps consider waiting a little extra just in case.

Maybe I am just a "nervous Nellie". But you know, if it was me I'd call them on the phone on Christmas Day, and go visit them in person in January, instead.
I googled how long to quarentine and it says 5 days, but is that 5 days from Saturday, Tuesday, or Today (Thursday)? I'm trying to figure out if I would be putting my elderly relatives at risk for Christmas eve/Christmas Day.

0-5 is meant to be from diagnosis, not exposure.

From 5-10 it says to mask well if you need to go out, but I personally think that's for basic needs - going to get food, returning to work if you were unpaid otherwise, and really HAD to get out for sustenance/survival. It goes without saying that social distancing is also a very good idea in this time period.

For a family gathering under one roof for several hours? Nah, I don't think that's a good idea. If I were the host and I would prefer you graciously decline and promise to catch up over New Year's. If you called and asked me I'd say please stay home.
0-5 is meant to be from diagnosis, not exposure.

From 5-10 it says to mask well if you need to go out, but I personally think that's for basic needs - going to get food, returning to work if you were unpaid otherwise, and really HAD to get out for sustenance/survival. It goes without saying that social distancing is also a very good idea in this time period.

For a family gathering under one roof for several hours? Nah, I don't think that's a good idea. If I were the host and I would prefer you graciously decline and promise to catch up over New Year's. If you called and asked me I'd say please stay home.

+100, especially since the OP said the relatives are elderly.
I'm 40. Got another booster about 3 months ago. Currently have Covid again for the 3rd time and on Paxlovid. Started showing symptoms Tuesday. Nurse practitioner said I can safely exit quarantine on Sunday. The first time I got covid was the worst. This is no walk in the park but thankful insurance is covering my meds and my job is super supportive. I was going to book a Christmas trip but kinda scoffed at that due to high prices. I guess there's still time for a day trip...
I'm 40. Got another booster about 3 months ago. Currently have Covid again for the 3rd time and on Paxlovid. Started showing symptoms Tuesday. Nurse practitioner said I can safely exit quarantine on Sunday. The first time I got covid was the worst. This is no walk in the park but thankful insurance is covering my meds and my job is super supportive. I was going to book a Christmas trip but kinda scoffed at that due to high prices. I guess there's still time for a day trip...

So sorry to read that you have Covid again!!! Three times is more than any human being should have to endure. :( Sorry it is no walk in the park this time. Take care. My suggestions would be to get lots of rest and sleep, and eat good nutritious food. Anyway I hope you are feeling better soon. :(
Had it once, almost 4 years ago. Still have it. Not sure if I'm infectious, but research has shown the virus is persistent. In the shoes of a newly infected person, I would not be around others until several days after my last positive test. And I would wear an N95 mask, as I always do. Can't trust people or the virus.
For a family gathering under one roof for several hours? Nah, I don't think that's a good idea. If I were the host and I would prefer you graciously decline and promise to catch up over New Year's. If you called and asked me I'd say please stay home.

+1 Under these circumstances I would be PO'd if someone showed up to my house that had Covid symptoms in the past 10 days without definitive proof they were cleared. That would be the last time they would be invited.

+100, especially since the OP said the relatives are elderly.


Had it once, almost 4 years ago. Still have it. Not sure if I'm infectious, but research has shown the virus is persistent. In the shoes of a newly infected person, I would not be around others until several days after my last positive test. And I would wear an N95 mask, as I always do. Can't trust people or the virus.

So I went to a wedding on Saturday and started feeling unwell the following Tuesday. I just took the covid test and am positive.

I googled how long to quarentine and it says 5 days, but is that 5 days from Saturday, Tuesday, or Today (Thursday)? I'm trying to figure out if I would be putting my elderly relatives at risk for Christmas eve/Christmas Day.

I tested (+) Nov 29th, and 22 days later I will visit an elderly relative as just the thought that if they got sick and died some time after I visited would be horrible and possibly my fault.

I will wear a mask if I go inside the house.
Well I just tested positive for the first time. Symptoms started Thursday afternoon. I went to our clinic and got Paxlovid and took my first dose. I am getting ready to turn 65 and it seemed like a good idea. Christmas gatherings cancelled for me, that really made me sad. I was very thankful for all those working today at the clinic and pharmacy.
The activity on this thread perfectly matches my state's graph of covid activity. It is really amazing.
Well I just tested positive for the first time. Symptoms started Thursday afternoon. I went to our clinic and got Paxlovid and took my first dose. I am getting ready to turn 65 and it seemed like a good idea. Christmas gatherings cancelled for me, that really made me sad. I was very thankful for all those working today at the clinic and pharmacy.

Too bad. I hope you get well soon.
I tested (+) Nov 29th, and 22 days later I will visit an elderly relative as just the thought that if they got sick and died some time after I visited would be horrible and possibly my fault.

I will wear a mask if I go inside the house.

Good decision! Our elderly loved ones are worth all the protection we can give them.

Well I just tested positive for the first time. Symptoms started Thursday afternoon. I went to our clinic and got Paxlovid and took my first dose. I am getting ready to turn 65 and it seemed like a good idea. Christmas gatherings cancelled for me, that really made me sad. I was very thankful for all those working today at the clinic and pharmacy.

Don't be sad! If you want to, you can see them sometime later on in the year when you won't have to be concerned about giving them Covid. We aren't going to any Christmas gatherings this year, even though we don't have Covid.

I admit that for us, times have changed. With all his relatives living here in town, there doesn't seem to be much urgency about seeing them over the holidays instead of seeing them in January. And my relatives are all either dead, or too far away to get enthused about visiting them on Christmas. For us, that's what the phone is for.

Take care and I hope you are feeling better soon! Lots of sleep and good nutritious food (chicken soup?) can be helpful.
Good decision! Our elderly loved ones are worth all the protection we can give them.

Don't be sad! If you want to, you can see them sometime later on in the year when you won't have to be concerned about giving them Covid. We aren't going to any Christmas gatherings this year, even though we don't have Covid.

I admit that for us, times have changed. With all his relatives living here in town, there doesn't seem to be much urgency about seeing them over the holidays instead of seeing them in January. And my relatives are all either dead, or too far away to get enthused about visiting them on Christmas. For us, that's what the phone is for.

Take care and I hope you are feeling better soon! Lots of sleep and good nutritious food (chicken soup?) can be helpful.

Thank you.
Thank you for doing the responsible thing and protecting your family and friends. I hope the Paxlovid does the trick with no rebound!
If you listen to TWIV podcast clinical updates every Saturday, you'll learn that rebound happens with or without Covid but is not clinically significant. Paxlovid can keep people out of the hospital and also reduce the risk of long Covid. It is annoying to take-gives a metallic taste. I'm glad you are taking Paxlovid and that you started right away.

We haven't been to a Christmas gathering in 5 years, and we had to fly 2800 miles to do it. It wasn't as fun as I'd hoped. Great card game with my sister and cousins though. After 25 years of mostly quiet Thanksgivings and Christmases, I've grown to love them.

DH is picking a prescription for Paxlovid I called in just in case. We fly to Hawaii tomorrow.
If you listen to TWIV podcast clinical updates every Saturday, you'll learn that rebound happens with or without Covid but is not clinically significant. Paxlovid can keep people out of the hospital and also reduce the risk of long Covid. It is annoying to take-gives a metallic taste. I'm glad you are taking Paxlovid and that you started right away.

We haven't been to a Christmas gathering in 5 years, and we had to fly 2800 miles to do it. It wasn't as fun as I'd hoped. Great card game with my sister and cousins though. After 25 years of mostly quiet Thanksgivings and Christmases, I've grown to love them.

DH is picking a prescription for Paxlovid I called in just in case. We fly to Hawaii tomorrow.

Stanford no longer prescribes Paxlovid for outpatient Covid diagnoses. They offer Remdesivir infusions instead. Ritonivir has a lot of issues, and that may be part of the reason.
DH & I are spending Christmas Day alone and feeling sorry for ourselves. We were supposed to travel to our son's...but our son has Covid. We debated whether or not to go since DH & I had Covid late October/early November and thought we might still have immunity. However, there is this new variant circulating (I'm sure we had the older variant) and we didn't want to take a chance of getting covid a 3rd time!

We are 77 and 71 yo and don't have that many more Christmas's left to spend with our kids and grandkids. It's sad we are still living with this.
DH & I are spending Christmas Day alone and feeling sorry for ourselves. We were supposed to travel to our son's...but our son has Covid. We debated whether or not to go since DH & I had Covid late October/early November and thought we might still have immunity. However, there is this new variant circulating (I'm sure we had the older variant) and we didn't want to take a chance of getting covid a 3rd time!

We are 77 and 71 yo and don't have that many more Christmas's left to spend with our kids and grandkids. It's sad we are still living with this.

I'm sorry to hear that you have to spend Christmas without seeing your son. You have made a difficult but responsible decision.

We are having my step daughter, her husband, 2 grown sons in their mid 20's and one of their girlfriends over for Christmas dinner. We are 75 and 77 yrs old and never had Covid. We have been very careful to consistently wear masks, social distance, avoid anywhere there is a crowd, wash hands, etc. I am very nervous about Christmas dinner today.
DH & I are spending Christmas Day alone and feeling sorry for ourselves. We were supposed to travel to our son's...but our son has Covid. We debated whether or not to go since DH & I had Covid late October/early November and thought we might still have immunity. However, there is this new variant circulating (I'm sure we had the older variant) and we didn't want to take a chance of getting covid a 3rd time!

We are 77 and 71 yo and don't have that many more Christmas's left to spend with our kids and grandkids. It's sad we are still living with this.

Sad, but you are being safe so you can celebrate more Christmas's later.
You could plan to travel to visit at some other time, maybe Easter ?

I will point out, there really is no immunity from Covid, you will fight it off better and faster if you recently had it or were vaccinated, but you still first catch it, and then the body responds to get rid of it.

This does seem different from some other diseases like Polio or Measles, where everyone feels safe from it and immune if vaccinated.
DH & I are spending Christmas Day alone and feeling sorry for ourselves. We were supposed to travel to our son's...but our son has Covid. We debated whether or not to go since DH & I had Covid late October/early November and thought we might still have immunity. However, there is this new variant circulating (I'm sure we had the older variant) and we didn't want to take a chance of getting covid a 3rd time!

We are 77 and 71 yo and don't have that many more Christmas's left to spend with our kids and grandkids. It's sad we are still living with this.

I'm so sorry, this really is disappointing, but as you know is the safe decision. Could your son and his family possibly keep the tree up and you have a "second Christmas" sometime in January? I'm sure the grandkids would love another opportunity to open gifts from the grandparents. :)
DH & I are spending Christmas Day alone and feeling sorry for ourselves. We were supposed to travel to our son's...but our son has Covid. We debated whether or not to go since DH & I had Covid late October/early November and thought we might still have immunity. However, there is this new variant circulating (I'm sure we had the older variant) and we didn't want to take a chance of getting covid a 3rd time!

We are 77 and 71 yo and don't have that many more Christmas's left to spend with our kids and grandkids. It's sad we are still living with this.

I'm sorry you are missing Christmas. I shed a few tears over it myself. Hopefully you can get together soon. I really would not feel right having anyone come into my house until we are both in the clear. I am very thankful I am not alone and DH is here with me.
DH & I are spending Christmas Day alone and feeling sorry for ourselves. We were supposed to travel to our son's...but our son has Covid. We debated whether or not to go since DH & I had Covid late October/early November and thought we might still have immunity. However, there is this new variant circulating (I'm sure we had the older variant) and we didn't want to take a chance of getting covid a 3rd time!

We are 77 and 71 yo and don't have that many more Christmas's left to spend with our kids and grandkids. It's sad we are still living with this.

I don't think you understand immunity for this virus. There is very little immunity conferred by infection. Best to protect yourselves by testing and wearing a well fitting N95 to any gathering and asking others present to do the same.
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