Texting Etiquette?

^^ For whatever reason, IME many people are happy to share their phone number (for texts), not as free with giving out their email address (email). So I rely on texts for most people I know outside family and close friends.
+1. We coordinate 8 to 20 players for golf twice a week. There is no reasonable alternative to group texting - not email, phone calls or in person.

I don't do a lot of large group stuff, even small group stuff. I can see why it would be helpful for those who do.
I wrote an iOS shortcut that sends personalized individual texts to each of my golf buddies - with the press of one button. Now they’re all on the same page, without a couple guys irritating others. Some of them are starting to ask how I’m doing it. Game changer for me. Problem solved.

Mine is better, but sorta like this if you’re curious https://youtu.be/-wQfAUvO4Ps
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