I've got Covid.... The thread for your covid experiences

A few days ago we got back from a Europe trip. We masked up on public transportation including airplanes and airports, but otherwise not unless big crowds indoors. Weather was cold and mostly wet, so had to eat inside most of the time. This was the first time in years we ate indoors. Often managed to hit non peak times at restaurants but a couple times packed.

Biggest beef - the business class 777 did not have individual air nozzles above each seat. A woman sitting nearby was coughing almost non-stop during most of our return flight. Wished I had my own air flow.

No symptoms, but we’re going to test tomorrow - lots of old tests on hand. I’m hoping we dodged the bullet.

We did get the latest vax 2 weeks before our trip.
We tested today to be sure. Both of us negative. No symptoms either, so we’ll leave it at that.

Got lucky I guess. Pretty amazing to me although we did take precautions when it got crowded/public transportation.
Right, but and we have made use of those but had to buy more. Not a problem for our wallets but some people don't want to go out and get them I would imagine. At CVS they were going for $24 for the Binax (2 tests). Lower on Amazon.

My point is that some people will have reduced symptoms and just not bother to get a final test OK. They will treat like most of us treat colds and flues.

I was going by your previous post where you said the test kits weren't free any more. I wanted to make sure that anyone reading this thread knew they can order an initial allotment for free as of September 2023.
My luck ran out. I got Covid from my dh despite my best efforts to stay away from him. He's better now and I have very very minor symptoms (would not even have tested except for the fact he had it). I will call my doctor this morning and see about Paxlovid. I am 71. I took it last time I had covid (june 2022) and could only tolerate the horrible taste for 2 days.

Both times we have gotten covid it was after attending a large group function (outdoor party and indoor wedding). I'm not a big party person anyway so might just quit going to these functions.
My luck ran out. I got Covid from my dh despite my best efforts to stay away from him.

I think there is a lot of randomness involved.
When DW got it, I spent the whole week in the house with her, making no attempt to keep my distance, but I never got it.
I think there is a lot of randomness involved.
When DW got it, I spent the whole week in the house with her, making no attempt to keep my distance, but I never got it.

I agree completely about the randomness involved.

Frank did not get it from me either, even when I was very sick with it back in 2021. My doctor observed that although many of his patients had Covid, he saw no evidence that their spouses were any more likely to get it (from them) than spouses of healthy patients. IMO we still have a lot left to learn about Covid and how it is transmitted.

That said, I mostly stay home and away from people other than Frank (it helps to be an extreme introvert). I have had no desire to hang around other people, especially scruffy looking, filthy, coughing, sneezing people during the pandemic because of the chance of getting Covid or something else from them. :sick:
I think there is a lot of randomness involved.
When DW got it, I spent the whole week in the house with her, making no attempt to keep my distance, but I never got it.

I wonder if I am asymptomatic and if so could I have given DW Covid?
Did you not test yourself?

No, never thought to do this. I should have done this as I now see that the test can detect asymptomatic people with the antigens.

I was more concerned with taking care of the meals and isolating a bit, etc. Oh well. :blush:
Yes, the test will detect asymptomatic people. This is pretty important, especially if you are going to be around other people and your someone in your household is ill. We tested 5 days after trip return just in case - we had tests on hand that expire this month, so seemed like a good idea to use them.

Regardless I know of several cases where the spouse remained covid free. DB has had it twice and DSIL didn’t catch it either time. The first time they were unaware for almost 2 weeks that DB had it so DSIL wasn’t taking any precautions, still didn’t get it, testing negative while DB was flaming positive.
My luck ran out. I got Covid from my dh despite my best efforts to stay away from him. He's better now and I have very very minor symptoms (would not even have tested except for the fact he had it). I will call my doctor this morning and see about Paxlovid. I am 71. I took it last time I had covid (june 2022) and could only tolerate the horrible taste for 2 days.

Both times we have gotten covid it was after attending a large group function (outdoor party and indoor wedding). I'm not a big party person anyway so might just quit going to these functions.
It took DH five days after I tested positive to eventually test positive himself. I had self isolated to our basement guest quarters. As for the Paxlovid taste, it wasn't so bad for me as I lost most of my taste and smell as part of the covid infection. That symptom lingered longest (several weeks.) I remember reading somewhere - maybe here - of a way one patient found to lessen the bad taste or maybe mask it. Wish I could remember what it was.
It took DH five days after I tested positive to eventually test positive himself. I had self isolated to our basement guest quarters. As for the Paxlovid taste, it wasn't so bad for me as I lost most of my taste and smell as part of the covid infection. That symptom lingered longest (several weeks.) I remember reading somewhere - maybe here - of a way one patient found to lessen the bad taste or maybe mask it. Wish I could remember what it was.

I got DW some hard candies to suck on and she said that helped with the nasty Paxlovid taste.
Yes, the test will detect asymptomatic people. This is pretty important, especially if you are going to be around other people and your someone in your household is ill. We tested 5 days after trip return just in case - we had tests on hand that expire this month, so seemed like a good idea to use them.

Regardless I know of several cases where the spouse remained covid free. DB has had it twice and DSIL didn’t catch it either time. The first time they were unaware for almost 2 weeks that DB had it so DSIL wasn’t taking any precautions, still didn’t get it, testing negative while DB was flaming positive.

In my defense ;) I have avoided getting together with a guys group I am part of. Also when I went out those first days I wore a mask in the market.
When I had it in early September 2023 my doctor would not provide Paxlovid either. I'm 63. I had a virtual visit on day 2 and she said she would call me daily to see how I'm doing and if I get worse she has up to day 5 to prescribe it. Her reasoning was that the current strain has shown to be much milder.

On day 3 I felt much better and by day 4 I was down to a minor cough. So it worked out fine not taking Paxlovid.

Out of curiosity, are you on an HMO plan ?
My sister tested positive Monday. She'd been to our house last Saturday for dinner. DH and I tested twice this week. No symptoms, negative tests. I was really worried because I'd spent time with her on Thursday last week in a closed room for 2-3 hours. But negative tests mean I'm in the clear.

It appears she got it at a church function somewhere in that time frame... several of her church friends are positive.

As of 2 days ago she was still testing positive... A little worried about this since she and I are travelling to Italy to visit the son that is studying abroad in Florence on Saturday. She is symptom free after the first 4 days, but still isolating.
I realize the government is giving everyone 4 free tests again, but if there is covid in the household it is easy to go through many tests in a short period of time. I had a stash of tests that I got from Costco when you could get a pack of 5 every month for free (for Medicare people) . Some of these tests expired in 1/23, but they must still be good, because we got our positives on them. Our symptoms were no worse than a mild cold. We only tested because we had been to a wedding and knew others who were positive and we were going to visit family and wanted to make sure we weren't positive...Otherwise we probably would not have tested. I can definitely understand someone with mild cold symptoms and no tests in the house not wanting to go out and spend $20+ for tests.
I've used both FlowFlex and iHealth covid tests and have had good unambiguous results. The FlowFlex kit even has a convenient hole in the box for holding the little vial. Amazon has both brands in kits containing 5 tests for only $32. I prefer them to the Binax kits which are generally more expensive anyway and employ an odd cardboard folding procedure. YMMV.
48yo pretty healthy here. Tested positive last Tuesday for the first time. Worst sore throat ever on Wednesday, felt worse Thursday. Called my DR friend and he prescribed Paxlovid. Testing my O2 it was very bad, going down into the 70's while walking. We were able to secure home oxygen treatment that night and spend a few days in bed chilling. Alternative was ER with levels that low he told me. I felt fine but understand that you can feel fine and have severe issues. Today testing negative.

Hopefully no rebound. I will keep testing and if it comes back I will likely do a second course of Paxlo.

How come noone ever talks about O2 readings now? You all should own a pulse-oximeter.
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My young (early 20's) nephew is currently in the hospital with serious covid. Diagnosed covid at urgent care, did not get better and went to ER, first they thought gallbladder, now considering meninigitis or some other covid complication.
He was one who put off getting vaxxed, I think he finally did maybe a year ago, but not sure which one or how many. He is, in general, a very healthy young man.
I am praying he gets better and does not develop long covid.

What ever happened?
I joined the club, McDonald's dining room gave me COVID. Two Modernas and a booster in 2021. Yesterday super chills and fever, cough, body aches. Called the doc and they do not recommend an antiviral, just take ibuprofen and Tylenol. Feel much better today.
What ever happened?

Thank you for asking.
He got over the covid, but it took a while.
After several days testing and back and forth ER visits for other symptoms, they did a mono test, which came back positive. So they monitored his blood work for several weeks to make sure there were no complications with his spleen or liver.
How come noone ever talks about O2 readings now? You all should own a pulse-oximeter.

I use my pulse-oximeter every morning, and have for the past 26 months since I got out of the ICU (due to Covid). It's usually 96 these days. It was around 87 when I first got out back in 2021.

I'm not sure if it's really meaningful, but it's easy to do so I figure, why not. :D
I got my XBB vax on Monday morning and it kicked my butt (headache, chills, fatigue, etc). It's Wed evening now, and I'm finally starting to feel better.

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