I've got Covid.... The thread for your covid experiences

Is there some science to confirm that? If true that suggests households would commonly all get covid from anyone they live with. My knowledge on this is that many people avoid it if they isolate.

I agree. I know several couples who stayed in the same bedroom until one became symptomatic and the other one never got COVID.
A week ago I started to feel a little off. Home test showed positive wife 68 moved upstairs to the guest suite, masks went on and we texted each other going forward. My cold symptoms got worse but she was fine. After 3 days I started to feel better and she started sneezing and coughing and she tested positive. Everyone we know who has avoided it previously is coming down with it now. But not too terrible. Lost our sense of smell for a few days but not taste and basically slept a lot. So says all of our friends who are recently sick.

We are double vaxxed and boostered and it doesnt make a difference in getting it, just how badly you get it!
Keep in mind that each variant is a bit different virus than the last one. This is true in terms of symptoms, how contagious it is and how the vaccine works or not on it etc. Also the rapid tests are not 100%, there efficacy varies with each variant.
I came out of London the other week testing negative. 2 days later I had a sore throat and incessant coughing for 3 weeks--with laryngitis. But I had a sense of taste. Don't know if it was Covid (again) or a case of the flu.

Hope the young man gets well soon.
OP here. My son, had a bit of a sore throat on Wednesday, Thursday, he said his throat was about a 1-1/2 of ten, he has had no cough. He is still out riding his skateboard, has plenty of energy. So, hopefully he will have a very easy time with Covid. My wife and I are good so far.

Much ado about nothing as usual.
I agree. I know several couples who stayed in the same bedroom until one became symptomatic and the other one never got COVID.

Many other variables come into play. The robustness of each person’s immune system is a big factor. This new variant went from nothing to most cases in a matter of weeks and is much more infectious than some variant a household dealt with months ago etc. etc.
OP here. My son, had a bit of a sore throat on Wednesday, Thursday, he said his throat was about a 1-1/2 of ten, he has had no cough. He is still out riding his skateboard, has plenty of energy. So, hopefully he will have a very easy time with Covid. My wife and I are good so far.

The key is to test to know for sure. Tests ste either cheap or free and periodic testing is the key to help prevent spread. I have several kits in my medicine cabinet all the time.
My husband got COVID symptoms and we were sharing food. He thought it was allergies until he got tested. Our PCP was absolutely sure I would catch it from him. I never caught it and tested negative throughout. I am good friend with this couple and golf together. He got COVID 3 weeks ago, wife was negative throughout. I didn't catch it from him either. Everyone's immune system is different.
Large family gathering. 3 felt sick morning of day 3. All 3 tested positive. No one else got it. Everyone in house was fully vaxed except 2. A week later only the initial positives continued to test positive. Everyone else was negative two weeks later. The 2 unvaxed didn’t catch it. Strange for how contagious these new strains are. Many in family are taking D, zinc, quercetin and other vitamins. Could just be strong immune systems? I was surprised only 3 of 11 ended up infected after being together for 3 days.
I came out of London the other week testing negative. 2 days later I had a sore throat and incessant coughing for 3 weeks--with laryngitis. But I had a sense of taste. Don't know if it was Covid (again) or a case of the flu.

Hope the young man gets well soon.

I had this exact thing in June, four negative Covid tests, but very unpleasant.
In our group of friends/ relatives, most husbands & wives both caught Covid.

Except my niece. Her husband caught it - he sequestered himself in the bedroom for a week. She stayed in a different room. Just left food outside his door. He never left his room, but their 2 year old made several visits to his father. (he can't be controlled). The 2 year old didn't get it, nor did his brother and sister or my niece.
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DW and I are both fully vax'd and twice boosted. Both of us have been lucky to not had Covid since the beginning, up until now. We spent the last week with DS and his family. Came home on Monday, an 8+ hr drive. DW wasn't feeling well when we got home so decided to take the home test. BINGO! I tested and it was negative. We immediately separated on 2 levels of the house. On Wednesday, I had a stuffed head and some post-nasal. Tested myself and I too was positive. CDC says 5 days isolation, then 5 days in public with a mask. After that if no fever for 24hrs without using NSAIDs, and symptoms are either gone or improving then we are free to go out in public without a mask. I'm not sure that I agree with dropping the mask at that point. Maybe the infectious level is extremely low at that point. CDC says 2 days before and 2 days after symptoms appear are the highest chance of transmitting to someone else. I read that about 50% of those who went thru the 10-day routine still test positive with the home antigen test. DW and I are currently spending our days together. We are sleeping in different rooms for the time being.

DS and family are still fine. Other than stuffy heads and postnasal, our symptoms were non-existent.

I heard that military members who tested positive and went through the 5-day isolation were then required to return to work with a mask for the next 5 days.
H and I did not get Covid from D2 when we all rode 12 hours in a car together to Utah to ski in December. D2 did not get sick until after we were there a couple of days and then tested positive.

H and I did get Covid about a month after that in January. Neither of us were sick more than 2 days. We are both vaccinated and boosted.
Just tested positive.

Symptoms started Sunday afternoon. Had tested negative on Saturday since I planned to visit my 95 yo step mom. Visited her Sunday, felt fine. Later the symptoms hit.

Tested negative yesterday, positive today.

We assume everyone in the house will get it.

Bad chest cold symptoms. Have a telehealth appt this afternoon. Plan to ask for paxlovid. DH said my breathing last night was "bad".

And here I thought I'd avoid getting covid since I mask and use precautions.

I really hope I didn't give it to step mom.
Just tested positive.

Symptoms started Sunday afternoon. Had tested negative on Saturday since I planned to visit my 95 yo step mom. Visited her Sunday, felt fine. Later the symptoms hit.

Tested negative yesterday, positive today.

We assume everyone in the house will get it.

Bad chest cold symptoms. Have a telehealth appt this afternoon. Plan to ask for paxlovid. DH said my breathing last night was "bad".

And here I thought I'd avoid getting covid since I mask and use precautions.

I really hope I didn't give it to step mom.

Hope you are OK. How is the 95 year old? Has she been tested? I would be concerned about her. My 90 year old mom had Covid in February and has never fully recovered. She has been in a brain fog. I wonder if the doctor would prescribe paxlovid to the 95 year old prophylactically?
I just let her daughter know since I know she's going there today. Step mom is on hospice so I doubt they'd do anything besides oxygen. Apparently this is not her first possible exposure.

Fingers crossed that my mask was enough.
I just let her daughter know since I know she's going there today. Step mom is on hospice so I doubt they'd do anything besides oxygen. Apparently this is not her first possible exposure.

Fingers crossed that my mask was enough.

That is such cruel timing, I am so, so sorry!

I feel like this current surge is such that there is nowhere to hide unless we quite literally hide.
My son went back to work on Monday, only 4 days of, corp policy is 5 days off, mask for 5 days, so he pushed it. When he got back to work, he found many were at home with Covid.
So far 6 days in wife and I are fine.
An interesting and a little scary, for the last 6 months I have had some raised white blood cell count and high Absolute Lymphocytes. I think both of these help fight against viruses, so 'maybe' this helps. I've recently been to a Hematologist and had more specific tests. My rheumatoid factor is quite high, probably explaining my shoulder, elbow, and knee pain. I'm over all but the knee pain for now, and even the knee pain is much better now. I have to wait 5 weeks to get the docs input. In the initial visit he gave me 5 possibilities, the scariest some type of Leukemia. He did add, "that's a wait and watch type".
Good news about your son, Time2
My son went back to work on Monday, only 4 days of, corp policy is 5 days off, mask for 5 days, so he pushed it. When he got back to work, he found many were at home with Covid.
So far 6 days in wife and I are fine.
An interesting and a little scary, for the last 6 months I have had some raised white blood cell count and high Absolute Lymphocytes. I think both of these help fight against viruses, so 'maybe' this helps. I've recently been to a Hematologist and had more specific tests. My rheumatoid factor is quite high, probably explaining my shoulder, elbow, and knee pain. I'm over all but the knee pain for now, and even the knee pain is much better now. I have to wait 5 weeks to get the docs input. In the initial visit he gave me 5 possibilities, the scariest some type of Leukemia. He did add, "that's a wait and watch type".

I'm really glad you apparently dodged Covid but after reading this your son's attitude is even more puzzling to me. Hope your tests come out OK.
I'm really glad you apparently dodged Covid but after reading this your son's attitude is even more puzzling to me. Hope your tests come out OK.

Yep, still in the wait and see mode.
Come to the realization that no matter the social distancing, vaccination and/or masking precautions you take you will get it sooner or later. The move on and live your life.

As someone who has been judged as overly precautions and having had all the available vaccinations, I tested positive beginning of July and wife shortly thereafter.

As others have said, your son needs to demonstrate extreme consideration for you and others loved ones. He and you should wash hands frequently, clean surfaces often and you should proactively discuss with your pvp anti viral options and timeframes should you become ill. My wife tested positive a couple of days after I did, and that is with strict isolation after I tested positive .

If it's any consolation, 48-72 hours of flu like symptoms followed by prolonged dry, unproductive cough are frequent symptoms.

Being prepared with all necessary regular medications, food and non alcoholic beverages are part of good emergency preparedness; also consider download a book or movie...not that you will necessarily read or watch, but as a distraction.

Hope your son recovers quickly and fully and you stay well yourself.
My 28 yr old son that lives with us, got home after work yesterday, and said he had a sore throat. He took his temp and it was slightly elevated, I had an expired test on hand and it showed a very weak but positive test result. I picked up a new fresh test and it now is a definite positive. Gave him Vitamin D, Zinc and Vitamin C. Now just hoping I don't get it at 67 yrs old.
He said he feels better today, but he wasn't all that sick yesterday, I hope that continues. Any suggestions other than stay away, We are in a 1600 sq ft house and he won't stay in his room, nor would I. Our separate computers are 6ft apart, and we spend much time there. I'm hoping my immune system just keeps it at bay, any other suggestions?

You are not following the proven ones like isolation (not that I blame you), so you might as well take what you get. Everyone wash their hands alot. He was probably contagious for a few days before the symptoms hit.
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