Preparing To Saying Goodbye To Your Pet

Sorry for your loss Gumby. We have lost a number of kitties over the years, including 2 sisters we rescued. It surprised us that the surviving sister was happier when her sis was gone, as we anticipated she would grieve a lot. She outlived her sis by 4 years. Nevertheless, for pet parents, it is always painful to lose our fur-babies and it just takes some time to get over it.
I have sometimes cried more over the loss of a pet than over friends who have died. It's horribly difficult. You just have to cherish all the good memories.

I have too. Because our pets live with us, we spend far more time with them than we do our friends. It would be hard not to become very attached.

I'm really sorry Gumby. This stuff is never easy.
We lost our cat, Ramona, to cancer today. She was a tiny little thing (6 lbs.) and totally deaf from birth, but she was full of life and her antics made us smile every day. Of all the cats we have had, she was the one who was closest to me rather than the young wife. I will miss her dearly.
It sounds like Ramona was a wonderful kitty. May your happy memories bring you comfort. I’m sorry for your loss.
I am sorry to hear about your loss, Gumby. We also lost one of our furry buddies last week after a pretty rough few months. I am happy that he lived over 15 years (pretty good for the breed) but he was the eternal puppy and it made parting with him even more difficult. I *hate* getting SO attached to a companion that you know you will most likely outlive. :(

I have sometimes cried more over the loss of a pet than over friends who have died. It's horribly difficult. You just have to cherish all the good memories.

No truer words have been spoken. They offer the most unconditional love, where often humans fail.


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Thanks, and I am sorry for your loss as well; he was a handsome little guy. I've known this day was inevitable for the last two months or so, but it didn't make it any easier.
Thanks, and I am sorry for your loss as well; he was a handsome little guy. I've known this day was inevitable for the last two months or so, but it didn't make it any easier.

He certainly was and your kitty looked like a great companion as well. My DW and I have sent 5 furry companions across the "Rainbow Bridge" and I helped my Dad send 3 of his on their final journeys over the years. Some were expected, some not so much but none of them could be considered "easy." They were all equally miserable; I do not like the finality of it all.
So sorry for your losses, Gumby and ExFlyBoy. Beautiful kitty and super cute doggie.
I am so sorry for those of you losing your precious babies. It’s really devastating.
It is so hard to lose the furry family members we love and cherish!
Treasure your memories of them.
And when/if you are ready, find another furry friend to love and care for. It takes time.
We lost our cat, Ramona, to cancer today. She was a tiny little thing (6 lbs.) and totally deaf from birth, but she was full of life and her antics made us smile every day. Of all the cats we have had, she was the one who was closest to me rather than the young wife. I will miss her dearly.

I'm so sorry for your loss. She looks like a real sweetheart of a kitty.
I am sorry to hear about your loss, Gumby. We also lost one of our furry buddies last week after a pretty rough few months. I am happy that he lived over 15 years (pretty good for the breed) but he was the eternal puppy and it made parting with him even more difficult. I *hate* getting SO attached to a companion that you know you will most likely outlive. :(

I'm very sorry for your loss. :(

He looks like an absolute charmer.
We have replaced our grief for past pets with wonderful memories. DW and I often speak with fondness of the antics our furry creatures displayed. Sometimes they behaved more like kids than animals. At the time, we could be peeved with them, but all that has faded to a sweet sadness at their loss but much more sweet than sad now with the passage of time.
I'm very sorry for your loss. :(

He looks like an absolute charmer.

He really was. I got the shipping notice that his cremains are being delivered today which started the water works all over again. I know the passage of time will help, but it sure sucks right now :(
Update On My Cat

Thought I'd give an update on my cat.

I ended up getting him radioactive iodine treatment for his hyperthyroidism. Just brought him home from the cat hospital that did the treatment last evening.

There's special quarantine instructions that need following so for the next week, I'm sleeping in the living room and he has my bedroom (that's how thinks work with pets :)). Another precaution is to have minimal contact (no hugging, keep away from my heart area) during the quarantine period. This might not be a problem since the poor thing is still timid from having to stay at the hospital.

I'm happy as I was able to get him in for treatment a couple months earlier than originally planned.

Thanks to everyone for your support and your touching stories of your loved pets.
Thought I'd give an update on my cat.

I ended up getting him radioactive iodine treatment for his hyperthyroidism. Just brought him home from the cat hospital that did the treatment last evening.

There's special quarantine instructions that need following so for the next week, I'm sleeping in the living room and he has my bedroom (that's how thinks work with pets :)). Another precaution is to have minimal contact (no hugging, keep away from my heart area) during the quarantine period. This might not be a problem since the poor thing is still timid from having to stay at the hospital.

I'm happy as I was able to get him in for treatment a couple months earlier than originally planned.

Thanks to everyone for your support and your touching stories of your loved pets.

Thank you for the update. Hopefully the treatment will do him some good and will be his normal self soon!
Thank you for the update. Hopefully the treatment will do him some good and will be his normal self soon!

You're welcome. He'll have to go though lab work months apart over the course of the next year to check his levels to make sure things look good. If so, then he should be good to go. In the meantime, no more thyroid medication 12 hrs apart that he was having some side effects from, which is a good thing.
When my ex had radiation for prostrate cancer we were told to buy a lead apron like you use for dental X-rays and then he could hold the dogs.
When my ex had radiation for prostrate cancer we were told to buy a lead apron like you use for dental X-rays and then he could hold the dogs.

I learned a few things during the discussion with the doctor who gave the radiation.

One is an answer to the question of if I have keep away from the pet then how come it's okay for other pets to be around? The answer, which actually is common sense is about exposure time and life expectancy. For a human, say get exposed and 20 years down the road, might get cancer. But for other pet, they aren't expected to live that up to 20 years anyhow.
Thanks for the update, hoping the treatment will add many happy and healthy years for you two to enjoy each other.
I learned a few things during the discussion with the doctor who gave the radiation.

One is an answer to the question of if I have keep away from the pet then how come it's okay for other pets to be around? The answer, which actually is common sense is about exposure time and life expectancy. For a human, say get exposed and 20 years down the road, might get cancer. But for other pet, they aren't expected to live that up to 20 years anyhow.

Not only that, there isn't anything to say YOU won't need radiation sometime in your life (but hopefully not!). I learned a lot about all that when DW went through radiation and proton therapy.
Thanks for the update, hoping the treatment will add many happy and healthy years for you two to enjoy each other.

You're welcome. This is day one of the quarantine where I have to keep my distance and time away from my cat and special disposal of the cat litter (I'm using flushable litter ... didn't know there was even such a thing).

Other than my cat still timid and thinking that I'm trying to kidnap him and put him in a crate when he sees me :LOL:, things are moving along.
We had to say goodby to our last dog yesterday. Had him from the day he was born and was 43 days away from turning 17 years old. Its a very strange feeling here this morning, as we have always had dogs since early 1985.
Sorry to hear that. Their time with us is never long enough. Right now, we are without a cat for only the third time in 38 years. It is an emptiness that is hard to take.
We had to say goodby to our last dog yesterday. Had him from the day he was born and was 43 days away from turning 17 years old. Its a very strange feeling here this morning, as we have always had dogs since early 1985.

I'm sorry Medic. It is a huge void. I know you talked about going without for travel and camping in your retirement. We talk that talk too but last time I only lasted 3 days before rescuing our two.

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