What did you do today? 2019 version.

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Dropped DH off at airport at ~6AM. Got home and set A/C to 85F.
Explored a new trail with our bikes. The map indicated it was good for biking, an old RR bed 100’ up the mountain from our usual rail trail.

The 100’ climb was definitely not bike friendly so DH and I pushed the bikes up. Then there was less than 1/4 mile of single track, where we could ride some but felt safer walking some. After that the trail leveled and widened to a nice trail with a different perspective, looking down on the river.

We did a total of 15 miles, a little shorter and slower than my typical ride but within DH’s comfort zone.

After lunch I headed to the lake for some SUP time while DH inspected the insides of his eyelids.
We saw a full concert production of West Side Story with the U.C. Berkeley Symphony orchestra on the campus. It was an amazing show with around 100 performers and musicians.
I have to brag about DW. I went to the market, and among items I bought was a 5 pound pork shoulder roast and a ripe pineapple.
Next thing I know, the pork is in the Nesco roaster with special Hawaiian liquid smoke to make Kalua pork.The pineapple is sliced in sticks and marinating in a Hawaiian marinade, ready to go on the grill.
What a woman!
The phosphate test kit arrived and was immediately put to use. Yes, there's still some phosphate in the pool water, and at about 100 ppb level and that is not too bad. It could be a lot higher, and has been reduced after I added mucho expensive phosphate remover. I would not know now how high the phosphate level was.

Yesterday, I also added algaecide and 3 lbs of chlorine shock treatment. The water is clear now, and I am watching to see if algae growth is coming back.

Just replacing the entire pool water of 25,000 gallons would cost $80, less than what I spent on chemicals recently. And it would work, because the phosphate test kit shows that the city water is phosphate free. It remains a mystery where the phosphate in the pool water came from.

PS. Or it simply could be that the phosphate has been accumulating over time that I did not know. It was only after the algae explosion that I was made aware of it. And algae growth may come at a tipping point when many conditions were right, like hardness of the water, chlorine level, the pH, in addition to the phosphate level. It can be complicated stuff, same as when people finally succumb to some disease. :)
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With DW in Branson for a week (helping her parents get around on their vacation) I was left with a complicated set of outdoor watering instructions. So, after about 3 hours I think I'm finally done! I counted 30 pots and hanging baskets alone! Good news is she's coming back tomorrow and everything looks still alive! LOL
We did household chores, errands and some decluttering during the day. It was pretty hot here today so after dinner we took our dog for a hike at a lake closer to the ocean where it was 20 degrees cooler.
Well I reset my critter trap a couple of days ago with chicken bones for bait. Found a raccoon in the trap around noon today. DW wanted me to take him for a ride to release him right then, but I was busy in the workshop. DW checked on him several times during the afternoon, claiming that he had died from the heat. He wasn’t moving, but I released him from the trap a few miles away. Maybe the heat did him in. From now on, I’ll release the critters in the wild as soon as I find them in the trap. Don’t know if this raccoon was the most recent digger under my deck. I’ll set the trap again and see what I get.
I went to the Traditional Spanish Market on the Santa Fe plaza and then on to Abiquiu, location of artist Georgia O'Keeffe's home/studio and ranch. Will tour those tomorrow and then on up north to higher elevation. Trying to escape the summer heat.
I went to the Traditional Spanish Market on the Santa Fe plaza and then on to Abiquiu, location of artist Georgia O'Keeffe's home/studio and ranch. Will tour those tomorrow and then on up north to higher elevation. Trying to escape the summer heat.
Stop at Chimayo and visit the sacred well then to Taos


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Every once in awhile, we skip church for Sunday brunch. Today we chose a pizza place that offers a great deal on mimosa buckets, as well as a spicy breakfast pizza. Then, home for a nap. (Both were awesome.)

Read from a library book that is due later this week. Watered outside plants, dinner of cold chicken along with homegrown okra and sliced tomatoes.
Ahhhh Sunday night

No early Monday morning conference calls to prepare for and stress about. Conf calls that accomplished very little. This used to be the worst night of my week before FIRE. Come to think of it, Tuesdays weren’t much better. Constant status reports and updates for micromanaging prima donnas that took the joy away from what is a great mega corp. In the end the job stress and insane people at mega were killing me. :facepalm: luckily I never lost my cool:cool:

Life after FIRE is so great and here’s to hoping the stock market stays solid. Hell, even flat for the rest of 2019 is fine. I’ve made more in gains and dividends since I retired 6 mo’s ago than I made in a year at mega and my tax bill is way lower.

If there’s any negative it’s that I had been planning my escape for the prior 10 years and now the sweet anticipation (the journey) is over and the destination is here. but I can live with that. :cool:

Today I played golf, came home and cooked a beautiful bolognese sauce for the family and opened a nice Chianti Classico Riserva to go with it. Tomorrow we’re visiting the local museum to see some great art.

Thanks, Souschef, for the trip report. This trip I am headed to Chama to ride the scenic narrow gauge railroad with steam locomotive. But I am planning on stopping at Chimayo on my way back. Taos will be another trip, I hope before winter.
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No early Monday morning conference calls to prepare for and stress about. Conf calls that accomplished very little. This used to be the worst night of my week before FIRE. Come to think of it, Tuesdays weren’t much better. Constant status reports and updates for micromanaging prima donnas that took the joy away from what is a great mega corp. In the end the job stress and insane people at mega were killing me. :facepalm: luckily I never lost my cool:cool:

Life after FIRE is so great and here’s to hoping the stock market stays solid. Hell, even flat for the rest of 2019 is fine. I’ve made more in gains and dividends since I retired 6 mo’s ago than I made in a year at mega and my tax bill is way lower.

If there’s any negative it’s that I had been planning my escape for the prior 10 years and now the sweet anticipation (the journey) is over and the destination is here. but I can live with that. :cool:

Today I played golf, came home and cooked a beautiful bolognese sauce for the family and opened a nice Chianti Classico Riserva to go with it. Tomorrow we’re visiting the local museum to see some great art.


Hey Pete,

Glad to hear you’re loving retirement. I don’t miss the con call thing either. Mostly overseas nonsense. The PM loved them. I hated them since I spent too many beautiful Tuesday evenings in my car on the phone instead of hanging on the beach with food, friends, and adult beverages watching the surf roll in.
Against my better judgement I came out of "retirement" last night as my GF's slow pitch team was short handed. I last played 2 games in 2009 and ruptured my Achilles. Prior to that I had last played in 1997 so it's been 22 years :LOL:

Anyway, I was foolish enough to agree to play and was lucky enough to not get hurt even though I was pitching and had a few line drives hit right at me. But, I think I'm hanging up the glove and going back into retirement.
Just got back from the periodontist 2 have 2 apically positioned flaps done, one in each side of my lower jaw. The Advil has not worn off yet:(
Busy day.

Had a couple of follow-up doctor appointments, one this morning with the podiatrist for the plantar fasciitis which is much better, almost non existent now, and one early afternoon with the regular PCP to follow up for the afib episode in the wee hours of last Sunday morning. I hadn't had any of that since the cardiac ablation ~three years ago, and finally went to the E.R. For the plantar fasciitis I was on a short course of Prednisone and there seems a small possibility that caused the low level of potassium the blood work showed at the E.R. visit, which in turn may have set off the afib. I hope that's all there was to it. They gave me a couple of giant potassium pills there and I went out and bought some at the grocery store this morning. My doc says that's okay, but be sure to follow up with the cardiologist and I have an appointment scheduled there. To top it all off, my regular doctor is retiring effective Thursday.:(

And we went out for a late lunch/early steak dinner to celebrate 31 years of wedded bliss with DW.:smitten:
Went to the eye doctor. No pressing issue, but tomorrow is the last day of employee-provided vision and dental care. DW & I both went to the dentist in June for the last "free" teeth cleaning/check-up and now to the eye doctor for both of us. I just wanted to check for glaucoma/cataracts/macular degeneration - all was good. Plus, I ordered a few contact lenses up to my benefit max. DW needs glasses, so she ordered those yesterday.

From this point on, we are self-insuring our dental and vision care. (gulp.)
Went to the eye doctor. No pressing issue, but tomorrow is the last day of employee-provided vision and dental care. DW & I both went to the dentist in June for the last "free" teeth cleaning/check-up and now to the eye doctor for both of us. I just wanted to check for glaucoma/cataracts/macular degeneration - all was good. Plus, I ordered a few contact lenses up to my benefit max. DW needs glasses, so she ordered those yesterday.
From this point on, we are self-insuring our dental and vision care. (gulp.)

My eye doctor recommended PreserVision supplement for our eyes. It is a little expensive, but each bottle comes with a dollars off coupon, plus if you register, they mail you more coupons.
Hey Pete,

Glad to hear you’re loving retirement. I don’t miss the con call thing either. Mostly overseas nonsense. The PM loved them. I hated them since I spent too many beautiful Tuesday evenings in my car on the phone instead of hanging on the beach with food, friends, and adult beverages watching the surf roll in.

Thanks FreeBear. Sounds like a good plan to me. Amazing how much some people like to hear themselves talk on those calls. As far as FIRE, the sense of freedom of traveling wherever I want, staying up late and sleeping in until 9am after 32 years at work is so much fun. I still have only told one person outside of work that I called it quits, which I think is hilarious. Keep ‘em guessing I say:LOL: Nobody’s business.:dance:
As far as FIRE, the sense of freedom of traveling wherever I want, staying up late and sleeping in until 9am after 32 years at work is so much fun. I still have only told one person outside of work that I called it quits, which I think is hilarious. Keep ‘em guessing I say:LOL: Nobody’s business.:dance:
I just quit at the end of June, and I'm loving it as well! Unfortunately, DH is only 58 and not in a position to retire yet. He's not all that happy with me sleeping in until 9!

Today I went to physical therapy (IT band tense and inflamed, probably because I'm very active in the garden after decades of life at the desk). Then bought 3 perennials from a woman who sells out of her garden for $3/plant. Next a quick bite at home, then off to a meeting of the Aging in Place committee.

Dinner from the garden - found an amazing recipe for zucchini with white beans and pesto: https://smittenkitchen.com/2018/07/grilled-zucchini-ribbons-with-pesto-and-white-beans/. Absolutely delicious; I might make it every night. Must plant more basil.
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Youngest DD is getting married on Labor Day weekend, so I came back from the mountain house for a few days to take care of some details. It sure is hot here! It’s consistently ten degrees cooler at the other house, which is one reason I prefer to spend most of my time up there in the summer.

We will have our daughters and a BIL staying with us before the wedding, then relatives staying with us after the wedding. This afternoon I spent some time confirming that we have enough guest-worthy linens for all of the beds and extra sets so we can change the beds without having to do laundry.

DH asked what I was doing, then responded with a shrug and “it will all work out”. Of course it will all work out BECAUSE I AM MAKING SURE WE HAVE WHAT WE NEED. After 30+ years of marriage, I know how this goes. I will spend weeks planning and taking care of details, then DH will pepper me with questions and requests the day before the event. But I love him anyway.
They gave me a couple of giant potassium pills there and I went out and bought some at the grocery store this morning.

FWIW, I think it's kind of ridiculous that OTC potassium pills are limited to 100 mg. You can get 4-5 times that in half a cantaloupe.
Yesterday I met my new PCP. What a breath of fresh air. I didn't want to bash my prior PCP but my issues were discovered in the discussion some of my current health issues. "When do you need a colonoscopy?" "Oh, either I'm a couple years too late or a few years early depending on what DR. I listen to". I have a pre-colonoscopy appointment in two weeks.

Nusalt, just be careful, too much can cause serious issues.
FWIW, I think it's kind of ridiculous that OTC potassium pills are limited to 100 mg. You can get 4-5 times that in half a cantaloupe.
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